Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
玩能源 T_T
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Classroom Scene - THE MAKING OF from Studio Aiko on Vimeo.
實坐太強了, 好想做到, 至少是我今年內的目標, 有信心的, 只是時間的問題, 我唔想再render d係人都render倒既作品出黎, 要做d野出黎證實下自己先...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
上個月過左個地獄式的production,同時間有兩個project進行,葡萄適+Nokia, 而且時間極之短,但兩個project都好有趣,可惜我只能全力參與其中一個,最後在十四日內完成了Nokia呢個變形金剛式的電話廣告,幸好有一班極之能幹的舊同事幫助下完成,而"葡萄適"我只能參與side character的model and rigging, 不過都好好玩, 希望下次可以參與多d啦...
Nokia N900 - 最激變形手機俠
葡萄適 - 火柴人售貨員
Nokia N900 - 最激變形手機俠
葡萄適 - 火柴人售貨員
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Easter Lighting Challenges
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Raymond Lau Showreel 2010
Raymond Lau Showreel 2010
Raymond Lau on Film Project "Treasure Hunter" Breakdown
This is my Showreel 2010, i want to improve much more, hope can make more great portfolio next year...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Natural Gas: Matin d’hiver
A very Nice Stop Motion Commercial, not only Michel Gondry can use this technic, this version is directed by Olivier Babinet and produced by Lovo Films.
This is the Making Of
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Keyz Studios - Hong Kong Filmart

Dear friend,
We will be at HK Filmart this year again! Our booth is at the Hong Kong Animation and Digital Entertainment Pavilion (1W15).
If you are visiting Filmart next week, please come and drop by~! See you there!
Keyz Studios
Saturday, February 27, 2010
AMK 返來啦~
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
南泰隊 2010

對上update南泰隊news都兩年前了,當年我地攞倒聯賽既亞軍,還希望下年有好成績,點知成續強差人意,佳因小弟出國工作的關係,球隊少了一個守門員,09年回港後又因要幹電影特技而不能出席球會比賽,幸好年尾我趕得切參加一個杯賽,幸運地16強隊手退出,8強不幸地遇上街場強隊"銀灣聯", 但鬼上身的隊友門戲劇性地勝出賽事,4強中上下一心死守到完場以一球小勝"良友"隊,最唔想見倒既決賽隊手"MU"撞到正,踼開街場都知 MU 有幾強,我地都本輸咁踼,點知隊友門又再次鬼上身,在3分2的時間內踼出五五波,只是3:2落後緊,但因少弟狀態不太好,全場心口都超痛,心跳勁快,一路踼一路覺得自己會死係球場,想換走,但又見隊友咁搏命唔想令隊友失望,可惜我地後勁繼,最後都輸5:2, 但我們己經踼出超水準,事隔兩年再能搵個亞軍杯仔都好開心了, 黎緊希望我可以復出做前鋒啦,我係時候要克復我斷腳的暗影...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Coldplay in the Simpsons
外國歌手很多時會cossover卡通片的,我喜歡的樂隊中,Radiohead試過出現在South Park中,今次到Coldplay在The Simpsons卡通中客串
Friday, February 5, 2010
Aids Graffiti
正,估唔倒呢條橋比外國玩左添,我覺得做返個香港版本都重得,因為由細到大係香港既公厠入面有著不同的Graffiti, 當時都未識呢個名詞呀,真係幾好笑...
On the door of a public toiles lives a “zizi”, born of man and pencil. One day, this zizi falls under the spell of a “zezette”, but all his efforts to reach her are doomed to failure. Until…
The spot is the new campaign for AIDES to promote the use of condom, which has gone madly viral (the irony…) in these days.
The spot has been directed by Yoann Lemoine and produced at Wanda. Animator: Yves Bigerel AKA Balak.
Post production: Mikros. Designer: Barthélémy Maunoury AKA Barth. Creative Agency: TBWA, Paris.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Great Alien Animation
I want this coffee machine too, hahaha
Director: Henrik Bjerregaard Clausen
Modelling & Character animation: Søren Andersen & Michael la-Cour
Original Music & Sound Editing: Rasmus Kudahl Kaae Munch
Production: JUNK
Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
HK ICT Award 2009

好高興我地既團隊上下一心既努力得到認同,同時間令我想起一年前我的作品失落於此地的景象,今次的比賽令我更加要注意故事的重要性,皆因今次比賽的Grand Award由一位學生獲得,作品技術上真的很麻麻,但勝在故事感人,音樂用得恰到好處,完全能帶動整個氣氛, 聰明地用舞台劇式的場景(像電影"Dogville")離補model的不足.
最佳數碼娛樂大獎 鞋子
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Japanese Music Video
Awesome Japanese independently music video, crazy looping...
Director- SUGIMOTO Kousuke
Music- MANABE Takayuki
Monday, January 4, 2010
My Mom is an Alien 2 Spin Test
好多時在production前緊會整返d spin test 黎check下隻char有冇問題, 係舊公司, 整親都係就咁轉個圈, 無黎新意, 好在現在多左空間可以玩下野, 做野之餘還可以娛樂下自己
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