Friday, February 5, 2010

Aids Graffiti

正,估唔倒呢條橋比外國玩左添,我覺得做返個香港版本都重得,因為由細到大係香港既公厠入面有著不同的Graffiti, 當時都未識呢個名詞呀,真係幾好笑...

On the door of a public toiles lives a “zizi”, born of man and pencil. One day, this zizi falls under the spell of a “zezette”, but all his efforts to reach her are doomed to failure. Until…

The spot is the new campaign for AIDES to promote the use of condom, which has gone madly viral (the irony…) in these days.

The spot has been directed by Yoann Lemoine and produced at Wanda. Animator: Yves Bigerel AKA Balak.

Post production: Mikros. Designer: Barthélémy Maunoury AKA Barth. Creative Agency: TBWA, Paris.

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