Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last Flowers To The Hospital

很多人認識這首歌是因為“告白”這部電影,但我是被"From the Basement"這麼版本深深影響到,所以開始練這首歌了

Appliances have gone berserk  機械已經變得狂躁
I can't look you up  我無法再見你
Treading on people's toes
Snot-nosed little punks  憤世嫉俗的朋克迷觸動人們的神經
And I can't face the evening straight  我無法直面黑暗
And you can't offer me escape  你無法讓我逃離
Houses move and houses speak  人們繼續活著
If you take me there you'll get relief  如果帶我去那,你就得到救贖
Believe, believe, believe, believe...  相信我
And if I'm gonna talk
I just wanna talk  如果我想說我就會說
Please don't interrupt  請不要打斷
Just sit back and listen  只需坐下傾聽
Cause I can't face the evening straight  因為我無法直面黑暗
you can't offer me escape  你無法讓我逃離
Houses move and houses speak  人們仍舊活著
If you take me there you'll get relief  如果帶我去那,你就得到救贖
Believe, believe, believe, believe...  相信我
It's too much  太多
Too bright  太豔麗
Too powerful  太有力

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